
On 2023, the Congress will be organized on June, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Lyon. Aiming at developing as much as possible crossdisciplinary approaches, this event will gather specialists working on United-States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Every year since 2002, Institut des Amériques (IdA) organises an international conference on a key issue: Check the full list online.

In order to tackle a wider range of themes and to promote a broader dialogue in the field of inter-American or comparatist studies, IdA chose from now on to organise an ambitious biennal congress. Open to new paradigms in social sciences and to knowledge transformation in public policies, the congress also includes artistic and cultural events.

The 2023 Congress is co-organized by LARHRA (University Jean Moulin Lyon 3), LCE (University Lumière Lyon 2) and Triangle (University Lumière Lyon 2) laboratories.

affiche congrès 2023



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The Congress in numbers

The 2023 Congress, it's :

- 6 places between Lyon and Villeurbanne

- 21 round tables

- 4 keynote conferences

- 10 workshops

- An exhibition

- 3 projection nights

- More than 200 researchers specialized on the Americas


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