Round tables > Young Research : circulation of americanist publications

Young inverstigators: circulation of Americanist publications round table

Wednesday 14 June from 3:45 pm to 5:45 pm

Palais Hirsch, Grand amphithéâtre

Organization: Laura Lema Silva (LCE - Université Lumière Lyon 2) and Matthieu Baudry (Institut des Amériques)

Intervention: Élodie Edwards-Grossi (IRISSO - Université Paris Dauphine), Guillaume Boccara (CERMA - CNRS), Christine Haynes (University of North Carolina Charlotte), Élise Pic (CTAD - Université Paris Nanterre) and Laura Lema Silva (LCE - Université Lumière Lyon 2)


A session to promote the Des Amériques collection should be an opportunity to highlight the Collection and the works published in it, the IdA's actions to support research and publication in France and in the international hubs, as well as our partnership with the Presses universitaires de Rennes, with whom the IdA is co-constructing this long-term editorial project. In order to link all of these aspects, we propose a session that will highlight the link between research paths (setting up a research field, specializing in specific themes) and editorial paths (carrying out an editorial project, reworking a research project on this or that point, specializing on a specific point for a future publication), while taking into account the possibilities of international circulation of works (editorial partnerships, translation of a dissertation or a new work resulting from a small part of a dissertation) on the American and European continents.

Thus, such a session would make it possible to consider the crossed paths of research and publication in order to consider the different paths that researchers can take to develop their research projects; this metaphor of the path can also be thought geographically, in the research and publication exchanges between Europe and the Americas. The following are the problematization issues considered:

  • To what extent does the research trajectory influence the editorial trajectory of a researcher, while at the same time it can lead to the determination of new research trajectories? 
  • To what extent does an editorial project on an international scale (Europe/Americas) transform or shift research questions?
  • How can a publication build bridges across the Atlantic between distinct academic cultures?
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