Keynote conferences > Relations between China and the Americas


 Thursday, June 15 from 2:45 to 4:15 pm

 Palais Hirsch, Grand amphitheatre


Mario Esteban is a senior analyst at the Real Instituto Elcano and Professor at the Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.He holds a PhD in political sciences from the same university, and a masters degree in asian poltics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London). He has been a researcher for projects funded by various spanish ministries, and by the Korea Foundation. He has served as an external expert for the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Spanish ministry for Defense. He has been a visiting professor in many universities in China and Taïwan.

Laurent Gédéon is a professor of geopolitics at the Catholic University of Lyon and a researcher at the East Asia Institute (ENS Lyon). His work focuses on the geopolitics of the People's Republic of China and the challenges (energy, geostrategic and economic) that arise from it in maritime spaces. In addition to his research and teaching activities, he is a regular lecturer. His latest publications include: "Les grandes puissances et la mer de Chine méridionale", in La mer de Chine méridionale au prisme du 'soft power'.Nouvelles approches franco-vietnamiennes d'un vieux conflit maritime, Pierre Journoud (dir), L'Harmattan, Paris, 2022, "Géopolitique et maritimité. Une démarche analytique illustrée par le cas de la Chine" in Penser le maritime, Nicolas Guillet et al. (dir), Presses Universitaires de Nouvelle Aquitaine, 2022, "Reshoring in Vietnam", Outre-Terre, vol. 58-59, no. 1-2, 2020, pp. 431-452, "Vietnam : une géopolitique en mutation au risque d'un dilemme stratégique ?", Moussons, no. 33, 2019-1, pp. 133-163.


China's relations with the Western hemisphere are central to the current international strategic landscape. This conference mainly focuses on two key processes of China's strategy towards the region and the interaction between them: strategic competition with the United States and China's rapprochement with the Global South. The relationship between Washington and Beijing is the most consequential of our time and the changes it has undergone in the last decade and its increasing securitization will be presented. In addition, the economic, political and military role played by Latin America within China's strategy towards the Global South and in the aforementioned competition with the United States will be analyzed.

Debate moderated by Alvar De La Llosa (LCE, Université Lumière Lyon 2)

With the support of LCE EA 1853 and in the collaboration with the Asian GIS 

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