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Tuesday June 13 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at Palais Hirsch, Grand Amphithéâtre then at 6:30 pm in the Reception Room (cocktail reception)

In the presence of :

Raimundo Nonato, Elected member, Scientific Council of the Institut des Amériques

Martine Roussel, Executive Director, Franco-American Fulbright Commission

Gwladys Bernard, Director of Studies, Casa de Velázquez

Françoise Martinez, Vice-President Latin America, Société des hispanistes français

Emmanuel Eveno, Director, Maison universitaire franco-mexicaine

Irène Favier, Associate Researcher, French Institute of Andean Studies

Maya Collombon, Director, Centre d'études mexicaines et centraméricaines (via video)

Also taking part: the Europe and International Division of the Institut des sciences humaines et sociales of the CNRS and the Association française d'études canadiennes.

The aim of this evening is to enable IdA's partners to present the tools (funding, mobility assistance, etc.) likely to encourage the development of international activities by researchers based in France. This first part of the evening will be held in the Grand Amphithéâtre of the Palais Hirsch. In the second part, members of the IdA network will be able to exchange ideas more informally with the invited partners over cocktails in the Salle de réception.

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