Workshops > Filmic (Re)presentations and Indigenous Women in the Americas


  Wednesday, June 14 from 9h00 à 11h00

  MILC Amphithéâtre

Organization: Miléna Santoro (Georgetown University) and Laura Cahier (DICE - Aix-Marseille Université) 


In the Americas, Indigenous women have seized the camera to tell stories - whether real or fictional - from their own points of view, experiences and perspectives. They have focused on difficult and challenging subjects, such as colonization, violence, residential schools, the disappearances and murders of Indigenous women, as well as other contemporary issues, like environmental destruction and climate change. Their filmmaking revives traditions and speaks to their truths. Film also proves to be “an ideal medium for the transfer and/or remediation of speech and narratives specific to the oral tradition and indigenous knowledge” (Karine Bertrand, 2020).

The objective of this workshop is to explore the filmic productions of Indigenous women from various Peoples, communities or Nations of the Americas, through a multidisciplinary lens. This workshop invites participants to engage in an epistemological, political, sociological, anthropological or historical reflection on the cinema as practiced, used and conceived by Indigenous women. What is the impact or influence of Indigenous women in contemporary film-making and production? To what extent do they deploy their themes and aesthetic choices as tools of political demands, or a means of individual or collective emancipation? How do these films relate to the efforts of Indigenous Peoples to (re)assert their collective rights, including the right to self-determination? How do indigenous women filmmakers also participate in the decolonization of representations, the reconstruction of memories in the face of multiple and intergenerational traumas, or the reappropriation of history and their stories?


•  Miléna Santoro - Propos introductifs - Territoires du cinéma autochtone : voies/voix de femmes

• Maylen Villamañan Alba (Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas) - Voz y silencio: Representación social de la violencia contra las mujeres indígenas en el filme Ixcanul

• Sofía Castillo - Mujeres mayas en el cine propio de Yucatán. Políticas de representación y descentralización cinematográfica

 Olivia Braconnier - Entendre et voir les femmes wayãpi de Guyane française. Retour sur deux expériences documentaires à Camopi

Discussion: Sonia Bonspille Boileau (movie director) and Melina León (movie director)

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