Round tables > Round tables presentation

The round tables of the Congress of the Institute of the Americas are organized by the members of the Scientific Committee of the Congress and are divided into two families: disciplinary and thematic round tables.


Urban anthropology

Disciplinary round table (anthropology) coordinated by Martin Lamotte (CITERES - CNRS - Université de Tours)


Americanist Archeology put into fiction

Disciplinary round table (archeology) coordinated by Chloé Andrieu (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne - ARCHAM) and Pierre Déléage (LAS - Collège de France)


Cinematographic Cuba. Transnational filmic representations, crossed visions, fantasies.

Disciplinary round table (visual arts) coordinated by Magali Kabous (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - LCE) and Zaira Zarza (Université de Montréal)


Socio-environmental conflicts' evolution and development trajectories in the Americas

Disciplinary round table (economy) coordinated by Renaud Metereau (Université Paris Cité - LADYSS), Vinícius de Araújo (LADYSS - Université Paris Cité) and David Distelrath (LADYSS - Université Paris Cité)


Images of geography in Americanist research

Disciplinary round table (geography) coordinated by Matthieu Noucher (Université Bordeaux Montaigne - Passages) and Violaine Jolivet (CERIUM - Université de Montréal)


History of Health in the Americas

Disciplinary round table (history) coordinated by Irène Favier (LARHRA - Université Grenoble Alpes)


Transnational circulations : protest ideas and practices in the Americas, 18th to 21st century

Disciplinary round table (civilization) coordinated by Marie Plassart (Triangle - Université Lumière Lyon 2) and Yoletty Brancho (Triangle - Université Lumière Lyon 2)


Sociopoetics of the city in the Americas at the 21st century

Disciplinary round table (literature) coordinated by Paul-Henri Giraud (Université de Lille - CECILLE) and François Hugonnier (CIRPaLL - Université d’Angers)


Sociologies and environmental crises

Disciplinary round table (sociology) coordinated by Sébastien Roux (CNRS - iGlobes) and Hadrien Malier (Iris - EHESS)


Access to and use of American "cultural" sources in French and European research

Thematic round table (use of American sources in European research) coordinated by Símele Soares Rodrigues (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - LARHRA) and Bertrand Van Ruymbeke (TransCrit - Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis)


Presentation of the last IdeAs - idées d'Amériques review issues

Thematic round table (scientific publication) coordinated by Hilary Sanders (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès - CAS) Hélène Quanquin (CECILLE - Université de Lille) and Françoise Martinez (CRIMIC - Sorbonne Université)


Urbans questions: which transactions behind public/private policies?

Thematic round table (urban studies) coordinated by Magda Maaoui (CYU Cergy Paris Université) and Nora Nafaa (SAGE - Université de Strasbourg)


The researcher in front of public action in the Americas : expert, actor or activist ?

Thematic round table (social responsability of research actions) coordinated by Irène Delcourt (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - IETT) and Luis Miguel Camargo (CESPRA - EHESS)


Researchers as analysts of American news

Thematic round table (joker) coordinated by Robert Boyer (CNRS)


Brazil, a pluridisciplinary movement

Thematic round table (Brazil) coordinated by Natalia Guerrelus (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - MARGE) and Sébastien Rozeaux (FRAMESPA - Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès)


In Lyon, medias as transmitters from the Americas towards France

Thematic round table (Media) coordinated by Olivier Chatelan (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - LARHRA)


International relations in the Caribbean: history, recent developments and prospects

Thematic round table (Caribbean) organized by Carlos Quenan (IHEAL CREDA - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) and Hélène Harter(Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)


"Areal approaches" GIS and the internationalization of their networks

Thematic round table (areal studies) organized by Hervé Pennec (GIS Études Africaines en France - CNRS-IMAF- Aix), Frédéric Abécassis (GIS MOMM-ENS de Lyon-LARHRA), Béatrice Jaluzot (GIS Asie-ENS de Lyon-IAO) and Marielle Morin (UAR).


Studies on the Americas, sustainable development and transitions

Thematic round table (IRD) organized by Évelyne Mesclier (PRODIG - IRD) and Isabel Georges(CEPED - IRD)


Young research : Careers in the digital promotion of research

Thematic round table (Young Research) organized by Yann Seyeux (Université Paris Nanterre) and Eugenie Clément (EHESS)


Young Research : circulation of americanist publications

Thematic round table (Young Research) coordinated by Laura Lema Silva (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - LCE) and Matthieu Baudry (Institut des Amériques)

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