Workshops > Workshops presentation

Ten workshops will be organized during the 2023 IdA Congress, which are:


Knowledge about plants in the Americas in the Modern period

Organized by Tassanee Alleau (Université de Tours) and Antoine Duranton (EHESS - CRH)


Filmic (Re)presentations and Indigenous Women in the Americas

Organized by Miléna Santoro (Georgetown University) and Laura Cahier (DICE - Aix-Marseille Université)


Housing and inequality in the Americas

Organized by Tamara Boussac (CRIA - Université Paris 1 -Panthéon Sorbonne) and Antonin Margier (Université Rennes 2)


Extractive Margins : (re)thinking the Mining-Energy nexus in the Americas through infrastructures

Organized by Marie Forget (Université Savoie Mont-Blanc) and Vincent Bos ( Géoressources -Université de Lorraine)


Art as a political tool for Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

Organized by Aurélie Journée-Duez (EHESS) and Morgana Herrera (CRIAL - Université Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès)


Thinking Black feminisms through fiction, theatre and poetry from francophone, lusophone, spanishophone and anglophone female authors in the Americas

Organized by Tina Harpin (Université de Guyane), Ahmed Mulla (Université de Guyane) and Giulia Manera (Université de Guyane)


Left and gender in the Americas

Organized by Mathieu Bonzom (CESSP-Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Lissell Quiroz (AGORACY Cergy Paris Université)


Environmental justice, resources and territories in the light of constitutional processes

Organized by Cécile Faliès (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), Audrey Sérandour (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) and Solène Rey-Coquais (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)


Havana in the Americas: urban comparisons and transnational perspectives

Organized by Violaine Jolivet (Université de Montréal) and Laurine Chapon (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)


Lefts in power, coalitions and minorities in the Americas

Organized by Mathieu Bonzom (CESSP-Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Lissell Quiroz (AGORA CY Cergy Paris Université)





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